Rafa Kaldırılmış Bir Tez/Biz Hiç Modern Olduk mu?
"Rafa Kaldırılmış Bir Tezin Sanat Yapıtı Olarak Sanatsal/Akademik Çalışma Bağlamında Sınırlarının Sorgulanması" isimli Sanatta Yeterlik Bitirme Projesi hakkında; http://sanatatak.com/view/Rafa-Kaldirilmis-Bir-Tez/1334
Have we ever been modern? / a shelved thesis
-ˇ•this work is a final project for proficiency in art-ˇ•This text is written for an art magazine “sanatatak”
This work made me a poet, a writer, forced my creativity.
If you are doing Proficiency in arts, you have to propose a
thesis/text to come of your age. And for this, you are expected to
interrupt and squeeze your art into the art/philosophy/sociology
history. Maybe not desicive, but patterns that is offered by the
institution give no other way to you. If you are an easy going
person, these forms/patterns may be lifesaving.
Because I do not have any faith in ostensive working forms and not
have intend to harm others, I decided to harm myself. When I
questioned why I do not desire to write a thesis/text in certain
conditions, I distinguished that I cannot handle to carry the
words that is already repeated thousand times and chilliness of
my master degree thesis "Contemporary art museology in Turkey"
and I could not interiorised the topic. Because I have done my
research named "At the scope of contemporary art museology,
looking museology in Turkey" at Erzurum Atatürk University Fine
Arts Department where I was raised and there was no other museum
in this city beside "State Museum" which is always closed.
(Students from fine art departments are expected to reproduce the
works of celebrity artists copied in books or internet.) Finally
while questioning these there was recess to force me to work. I
was able to crosscheck my master degree work both content and
method. It seems that 150 pages mass concrete were waiting to
resist for me. Everything included! Museum, mseum, museum! Lots
of museums both in Europe and of course in Turkey are standing
against me!
I tried to evaluate the idea of museum as a mould for collectingcategorising-
archiving memory, as a snaptic metaphor for
formalising personal memory, and as viewing onthologic
institutional function. This approach disclosed the (transitive
structure between language-object-space-time) structure between
sensorial and rational knowledge.
Encountiring West/East words that always divides the world from
the beginning of my work, needed to arise to lotk at my geograpy I
live in. I took along a plastic but metal-like fork that first I
saw in an exhibition opening and shocked me, I decided to visit
some museums (in Turkey) while travelling to east according to
Greenwich. I gave priority to Erzurum, the city that has one of
the four state museums and I was raised. When I arrived, the
building of the State Museum was demolished and there was an
parking area construction. The city needed an parking area.
Afterwards, I decided to go to the nearest art museum to Erzurum,
Baksı Museum in Bayburt. Rather than a researcher, as someone who
cannot estimate what will happen during the journey, I could not
reach to Baksı Museum in Bayburt that is actually easy to go from
Erzurum. There are some transportation from museum to some
villages but, there is no transportation from city center. Baksı
Museum is is in a place that you can only go with private car. It
is like a magnificient frozen building like İshak Paşa Palace. In
my journey, I have gone to Erzurum Archeology Museum, Göreme Openair
Museum, Side Apollon Open-air Museum. I have ended my journey
with the things in the nature and a stolen metal fork
I opened all the process and my main topics "In between" and
"Living" into discussion that I was informed to quit my academic
job if I want to make research on this topic, that Institution
offered me another headline for thesis in the artist initiative
space at 5533 (which is located in İMÇ). We correlated "Have we
ever been modern?" title with the "In between" exhibition of
Gül.in Aksoy, Nancy Atakan, Gül Ilgaz and Neriman Polat at 1990's.
With the participation of Gül.in Aksoy and Neriman Polat we
questioned "How can we interpret the geography we live in back and
forth in historical timeline?" After that, we opened a discussion
about how we categorize the words, academic, official and
fictional language with Duygu Sabancılar in the name of "obsessed
words" evaluating my "orderof things" and "query of herself with
thins" titles. In these times, we assume that modernism
discussions have closed and scratch post modernism's eyes out,
modernism project in Turkey debates shine out again and again.
maybe what happens is our individualism manipulated with
corporative codes.
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